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День памяти
  20 мая 2023 (мифи умер)

Задача про фермера и его кредит
  20 мая 2023 (Алекс)

Математическое порно
  22 марта 2023 (Angleton)

Российский Союз ректоров
  19 февраля 2023 (Hellen Paul )

В помощь юному радисту: Морзянка 1.0
  13 ноября 2022 (Сергей)

Знахари и шаманы в МГТУ имени Баумана
  5 ноября 2021 (монах из кельи)

Зачет по инженерной графике
  24 августа 2020 (Инженерная графика)

Пасынки Вселенной
  18 февраля 2020 (Max Brown)

Финансовая пирамида за 10 рублей
  7 февраля 2020 (Флора Миллс)

База решений задач ЕГЭ по математике
  26 декабря 2019 (Мария)

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Слово «method»
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и с тех пор употреблялось 51 раз.
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Сообщения со словом

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  1. 03.01.2014, 21:56. S1680 в теме
    «Александр Ховалкин о фотонах»
    ... больше будет http en wikipedia org wiki scientific method без объяснения того же что объясняет современная...
  2. 03.10.2012, 18:19. Настейсия в теме
    ... not differ from russian courses in size of groups methods of teaching and close relationships with teachers methods of assessment differ from university to university but all british students have to undergo lengthy written examinations conditions of student life in britain differ from those in russia the english assume that anyone from age eighteen is an independent being capable of making up his or her own mind and capable of looking after himself or herself as a rule english students try to live away from home like russian students english students receive a grant from the state for the expenses of daily living the level of the grant depends on the income of the student and of the student s parents besides students can take out a special student loan which they do not have to repay until they are earning loans are not means-tested in the opinion of the english there is one more obvious difference between british and russian students however traditionally there has always been an enormous amount of amateur and voluntary work in britain it takes place in universities as well playing in the university band taking part in athletics or football running university newspapers helping the disabled and pensioners participating in local and national voluntary groups and societies there is a widespread opinion that conditions may be different but goals of getting higher education are the same everywhere many people admit that for the majority of young people today success in life is measured in terms of the money young people earn this materialistic outlook has seriously influenced education fewer and fewer young people these days acquire knowledge only for its own sake they want to obtain prestigious diplomas to get higher wages and advancement a language teacher s personal opinion every day i see advertisements in the newspapers and on the buses saying that it is easy to learn english according to these advertisements with very little effort on the student s part he she will be able to speak the language fluently in three months or even ten days when i see advertisements like this i don t know whether to laugh or cry if it were as easy to learn english as they say i would have to look for another job because very few qualified teachers would be needed but a large number of people must believe these claims if people didn t believe it such advertisements would not appear it is natural for students to be attracted to methods that will teach them as quickly efficiently and cheaply as possible but it is no use pretending that anyone has discovered a perfect way of teaching english in every possible situation for a long time people believed that the only way to learn a language was by spending a great deal of time in a country where it was spoken of course it is clear that the students who go to england to learn english have a great advantage over others but a large number of students cannot afford to do so some students go to the opposite extreme and think they can teach themselves at home by learning words in dictionaries but it is wrong to assume that each word in english has an equivalent in another language and that any translation method can produce good pronunciation and intonation...
  3. 29.04.2012, 04:53. login в теме
    «БДЗ Сухарев. Горюнов»
    ... задача разобрана здесь http en wikipedia org wiki method of image charges
  4. 09.10.2011, 14:50. .kkursor в теме
    «Помогите настроить bind»
    ... potential root server failure ddos on the other hand this method requires more monitoring than the hints file...
  5. 10.12.2009, 21:57. Rio в теме
    ... функции то матлаб пишет ошибки undefined function or method times for input arguments of type function handle...
  6. 14.11.2009, 01:52. e2e4 в теме
    «Проблемы с куковой аутентификацией»
    ... interface cgi 1 1 server protocol http 1 1 request method get query string no value request uri info php script name info php http headers information http request headers http request get info php http 1 1 host hostname user-agent mozilla 5 0 windows u windows nt 5 1 ru rv 1 9 1 5 gecko 20091102 firefox 3 5 5 accept text html application xhtml xml application xml q 0 9 q 0 8 accept-language ru en-us q 0 7 en q 0 3 accept-encoding gzip deflate accept-charset windows-1251 utf-8 q 0 7 q 0 7 keep-alive 300 connection keep-alive cookie phpsessid e6363f1dc468bfee91f784ab1c6d3b46 http response headers x-powered-by php 5 2 6-1 lenny3 vary accept-encoding content-encoding gzip bcmath bcmath support enabled bz2 bzip2 support enabled stream wrapper support compress bz2 stream filter support bzip2 decompress bzip2 compress bzip2 version 1 0 5 10-dec-2007 calendar calendar support enabled ctype ctype functions enabled date date time support enabled olson timezone database version 0 system timezone database internal default timezone system localtime directive local value master value date default latitude 31 7667 31 7667 date default longitude 35 2333 35 2333 date sunrise zenith 90 583333 90 583333 date sunset zenith 90 583333 90 583333 date timezone no value no value dba dba support enabled supported handlers cdb cdb make db4 inifile flatfile dom dom xml enabled dom xml api version 20031129 libxml version 2 6 32 html support enabled xpath support enabled xpointer support enabled schema support enabled relaxng support enabled exif exif support enabled exif version 1 4 id exif c v 1 173 2 5 2 25 2008 03 12 17 33 14 iliaa exp supported exif version 0220 supported filetypes jpeg tiff filter input validation and filtering enabled revision revision 1 52 2 42 directive local value master value filter default unsafe raw unsafe raw filter default flags no value no value ftp ftp support enabled gd gd support enabled gd version 2 0 or higher freetype support enabled freetype linkage with freetype freetype version 2 3 7 t1lib support enabled gif read support enabled gif create support enabled jpg support enabled png support enabled wbmp support enabled gettext gettext support enabled hash hash support enabled hashing engines md2 md4 md5 sha1 sha256 sha384 sha512 ripemd128 ripemd160 ripemd256 ripemd320 whirlpool tiger128 3 tiger160 3 tiger192 3 tiger128 4 tiger160 4 tiger192 4 snefru gost adler32 crc32 crc32b haval128 3 haval160 3 haval192 3 haval224 3 haval256 3 haval128 4 haval160 4 haval192 4 haval224 4 haval256 4 haval128 5 haval160 5 haval192 5 haval224 5 haval256 5 iconv iconv support enabled iconv implementation glibc iconv library version 2 7 directive local value master value iconv input encoding iso-8859-1 iso-8859-1 iconv internal encoding iso-8859-1 iso-8859-1 iconv output encoding iso-8859-1 iso-8859-1 json json support enabled json version 1 2 1 libxml libxml support active libxml version 2 6 32 libxml streams enabled mbstring multibyte support enabled multibyte string engine libmbfl multibyte japanese regex support enabled multibyte regex oniguruma version 4 4 4 multibyte regex oniguruma backtrack check on mbstring extension makes use of streamable kanji code filter and converter which is distributed under the gnu lesser general public license version 2 1 directive local value master value mbstring detect order no value no value mbstring encoding translation off off mbstring func overload 0 0 mbstring http input pass pass mbstring http output pass pass mbstring internal encoding no value no value mbstring language neutral neutral mbstring strict detection off off mbstring substitute character no value no value mcrypt mcrypt support enabled version 2 5 7 api no 20021217 supported ciphers cast-128 gost rijndael-128 twofish arcfour cast-256 loki97 rijndael-192 saferplus wake blowfish-compat des rijndael-256 serpent xtea blowfish enigma rc2 tripledes supported modes cbc cfb ctr ecb ncfb nofb ofb stream directive local value master value mcrypt algorithms dir no value no value mcrypt modes dir no value no value mime magic mime magic support invalid magic file disabled directive local value master value mime magic debug off off mime magic magicfile usr share file magic mime usr share file magic mime mysql mysql support enabled active persistent links 0 active links 0 client api version 5 0 51a mysql module type external mysql socket var run mysqld mysqld sock mysql include -i usr include mysql mysql libs -l usr lib -lmysqlclient r directive local value master value mysql allow persistent on on mysql connect timeout 60 60 mysql default host no value no value mysql default password no value no value mysql default port no value no value mysql default socket no value no value mysql default user no value no value mysql max links 99999999 99999999 mysql max persistent unlimited unlimited mysql trace mode off off mysqli mysqli support enabled client api library version 5 0 51a client api header version 5 0 51a mysqli socket var run mysqld mysqld sock directive local value master value mysqli default host no value no value mysqli default port 3306 3306 mysqli default pw no value no value mysqli default socket no value no value mysqli default user no value no value mysqli max links unlimited unlimited mysqli reconnect off off openssl openssl support enabled openssl version openssl 0 9 8g 19 oct 2007 pcre pcre perl compatible regular expressions support enabled pcre library version 7 6 2008-01-28 directive local value master value pcre backtrack limit 100000 100000 pcre recursion limit 100000 100000 pdo pdo support enabled pdo drivers mysql pdo mysql pdo driver for mysql client library version 5 0 51a posix revision revision 1 70 2 3 2 18 reflection reflection enabled version id php reflection c v 1 164 2 33 2 50 2008 03 13 15 56 21 iliaa exp session session support enabled registered save handlers files user registered serializer handlers php php binary wddx directive local value master value session auto start off off session bug compat 42 on on session bug compat warn on on session cache expire 180 180 session cache limiter nocache nocache session cookie domain no value no value session cookie httponly off off session cookie lifetime 0 0 session cookie path session cookie secure off off session entropy file no value no value session entropy length 0 0 session gc divisor 100 100 session gc maxlifetime 1440 1440 session gc probability 0 0 session hash bits per character 4 4 session hash function 0 0 session name phpsessid phpsessid session referer check no value no value session save handler files files session save path var lib php5 var lib php5 session serialize handler php php session use cookies on on session use only cookies off off session use trans sid 0 0 shmop shmop support enabled simplexml simplexml support enabled revision revision 1 151 2 22 2 39 schema support enabled soap soap client enabled soap server enabled directive local value master value soap wsdl cache 1 1 soap wsdl cache dir tmp tmp soap wsdl cache enabled 1 1 soap wsdl cache limit 5 5 soap wsdl cache ttl 86400 86400 sockets sockets support enabled spl spl support enabled interfaces countable outeriterator recursiveiterator seekableiterator splobserver splsubject classes appenditerator arrayiterator arrayobject badfunctioncallexception badmethodcallexception cachingiterator directoryiterator domainexception emptyiterator filteriterator infiniteiterator invalidargumentexception iteratoriterator lengthexception limititerator logicexception norewinditerator outofboundsexception outofrangeexception overflowexception parentiterator rangeexception recursivearrayiterator recursivecachingiterator recursivedirectoryiterator recursivefilteriterator recursiveiteratoriterator recursiveregexiterator regexiterator runtimeexception simplexmliterator splfileinfo splfileobject splobjectstorage spltempfileobject underflowexception unexpectedvalueexception standard regex library bundled library enabled dynamic library support enabled path to sendmail usr sbin sendmail -t -i directive local value master value assert active 1 1 assert bail 0 0 assert callback no value no value assert quiet eval 0 0 assert warning 1 1 auto detect line endings 0 0 default socket timeout 60 60 safe mode allowed env vars php php safe mode protected env vars ld library path ld library path url rewriter tags a href area href frame src input src form fieldset a href area href frame src input src form fieldset user agent no value no value sysvmsg sysvmsg support enabled revision revision 1 20 2 3 2 7 tokenizer tokenizer support enabled wddx wddx support enabled wddx session serializer enabled xml xml support active xml namespace support active libxml2 version 2 6 32 xmlreader xmlreader enabled xmlwriter xmlwriter enabled zip zip enabled extension version id php zip c v 1 1 2 43 2008 01 18 00 51 38 pajoye exp zip version 1 8 11 libzip version 0 8 0-compatible zlib zlib support enabled stream wrapper support compress zlib stream filter support zlib inflate zlib deflate compiled version 1 2 1 1 linked version 1 2 3 3 directive local value master value zlib output compression off off zlib output compression level -1 -1 zlib output handler no value no value additional modules module name sysvsem sysvshm environment variable value apache pid file var run apache2 pid apache run user www-data path usr local bin usr bin bin pwd home adm apache run group www-data lang c shlvl 1 apache arguments -e debug usr sbin apache2 php variables variable value request phpsessid e6363f1dc468bfee91f784ab1c6d3b46 cookie phpsessid e6363f1dc468bfee91f784ab1c6d3b46 server http host hostname server http user agent mozilla 5 0 windows u windows nt 5 1 ru rv 1 9 1 5 gecko 20091102 firefox 3 5 5 server http accept text html application xhtml xml application xml q 0 9 q 0 8 server http accept language ru en-us q 0 7 en q 0 3 server http accept encoding gzip deflate server http accept charset windows-1251 utf-8 q 0 7 q 0 7 server http keep alive 300 server http connection keep-alive server http cookie phpsessid e6363f1dc468bfee91f784ab1c6d3b46 server path usr local bin usr bin bin server server signature address apache 2 2 9 debian php 5 2 6-1 lenny3 with suhosin-patch server at hostname port 80 address server server software apache 2 2 9 debian php 5 2 6-1 lenny3 with suhosin-patch server server name hostname server server addr ip server server port 80 server remote addr ip server document root var www sd server server admin webmaster localhost server script filename var www safedriving info php server remote port 60669 server gateway interface cgi 1 1 server server protocol http 1 1 server request method get server query string no value server request...
  7. 03.10.2009, 15:01. Howard Stern в теме
    ... эта штука че-то не работает undefined function or method rows for input arguments of type double
  8. 22.06.2009, 22:58. turbopres в теме
    «Вопрос по единицам измерения.»
    ... которую действует нагрузка р 10000 н в методе simple method as bs 5950 clause 6 8 7 2 m r zh j u 2 23 106 93 1 04 106 199 n mm 2 все верно итоговая единица измерения n mm 2 тогда как в методе direction method as bs 5950 clause 6 8 7 3 m r zh j u 2 23 106 93 1 04 106 199 n mm run ведь в формулу подставляются величины в обоих случаях с одинаковыми единицами измерения а в итоге имеем разные единицы измерения может слово run имеет какое-то значение да и почему в simple method as bs 5950 clause 6 8 7 2 складывая две длинны...
  9. 22.06.2009, 11:03. turbopres в теме
    «Вопрос по единицам измерения.»
    ... удобно сравнивать два метода слева и справа simple method as bs 5950 clause 6 8 7 2 и direction method as bs 5950 clause 6 8 7 3 что скажите
  10. 12.12.2008, 17:31. George в теме
    «Обсуждение абстрактных задач.»
    ... that there is only 1 way of revealing 4 prices the method should return 4 1 notes the host does not work out any intermediate deductions he reveals prices until the sequence order is broken see examples 5 and 6 examples 0 30 10 20 40 50 returns 4 1 see above 1 39 88 67 5 69 87 82 64 58 61 returns 4 2 the maximum number of prices that can be revealed is 4 and there are 2 ways of achieving it the host could either reveal 39 67 69 87 or 39 67 69 82 the method should return 4 2 как обычно много лишних букв...

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