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20.05Задача про фермера и его кредит
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День памяти
  20 мая 2023 (мифи умер)

Задача про фермера и его кредит
  20 мая 2023 (Алекс)

Математическое порно
  22 марта 2023 (Angleton)

Российский Союз ректоров
  19 февраля 2023 (Hellen Paul )

В помощь юному радисту: Морзянка 1.0
  13 ноября 2022 (Сергей)

Знахари и шаманы в МГТУ имени Баумана
  5 ноября 2021 (монах из кельи)

Зачет по инженерной графике
  24 августа 2020 (Инженерная графика)

Пасынки Вселенной
  18 февраля 2020 (Max Brown)

Финансовая пирамида за 10 рублей
  7 февраля 2020 (Флора Миллс)

База решений задач ЕГЭ по математике
  26 декабря 2019 (Мария)

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Слово «limits»
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Сообщения со словом

Запрос выполнился за 0.0076 сек.
  1. 05.03.2012, 21:37. viktar в теме
    «Философские аспекты глобального развития»
    ... l meadows jorgen randers william w behrens iii the limits to growth 1972г 2 e von weizsacker a b lovins...
  2. 07.10.2011, 16:18. McSim в теме
    «Умная пыль»
    ... systems пистер публикует работу smart dust hardware limits to wireless sensor networks вот казалось бы...
  3. 12.11.2010, 20:31. Lerk в теме
    «Maxima на Corum'е»
    ... всем дрямс я вам щас покажу вот такууую формулу int limits 0 infty dfrac x ln x y на выходе в doc odf-файле...
  4. 11.11.2010, 01:06. Chameleon в теме
    «Maxima на Corum'е»
    ... and functions it can differentiate integrate take limits solve equations factor polynomials expand functions in power series solve differential equations in closed form and perform many other operations it also has a programming language that you can use to extend maxima s capabilities the dangers of computer algebra with all this marvelous capability however you must bear in mind the limitations inherent in any such tool those considering the use of computers to do mathematics particularly students must be warned that these systems are no substitute for hands on work with equations and struggling with concepts these systems do not build your mathematical intuition nor will they strengthen your core skills this will matter a great deal down the road especially to those of you who wish to break new ground in theoretical mathematics and science do not use a computer as a substitute for your basic education by the same token however proficiency with computers and computer based mathematics is crucial for attacking the many problems which literally cannot be solved by pencil and paper methods in many cases problems which would take years by hand can be reduced to seconds by powerful computers also in the course of a long derivation it is sometimes useful for those who have already mastered the fundamentals to do work in these systems as a guard against careless errors or a faster means than a table of deriving some particular result also in case of an error fixing the resulting error can often be much quicker and simpler courtesy of a mathematical notebook which can be reevaluated with the correct parameters in place but just as a computer can guard against human error the human must not trust the computer unquestioningly all of these systems have limits and when those limits are reached it is quite possible for bizarre errors to result or in some cases answers which are actually wrong to say nothing of the fact that the people who programmed these systems were human and make mistakes to illustrate the limits of computer algebra systems we take the following...
  5. 06.11.2010, 00:40. Tonight в теме
    «Нужна помощь»
    ... bpinrdr 30 bpin 30 integral от l до 0 rdr bpinr 30 limits от l до 0 bpinl 30 подставляем числа получим...
  6. 30.03.2009, 02:43. гость в теме
    «FAQ по тегу [math]»
    ... пределами например код math sum i 1 n math код math sum limits i 1 n math int oint sum prod bigcup bigcap coprod bigoplus bigotimes bigodot bigvee bigwedge biguplus bigsqcup lim limsup liminf max min sup inf det gcd varlimsup varliminf injlim projlim varinjlim varprojlim примеры код math varlimsup n to infty a n inf n sup m ge n a m math код math varlimsup limits n to infty a n inf limits n sup limits m ge n a m math код math int limits 0 1 arccos x dx math код math int 0 1 arccos x dx math код math int 0 1 arccos x dx math код math int limits 0 1 arccos x dx math 6 надсимвольные значки...
  7. 11.08.2008, 18:24. Neper в теме
    «Ложный континуум в математике»
    ... 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 2 n он просто и ясно пишет lim limits x rightarrow infty cup i 1 2 x i
  8. 05.12.2006, 19:28. Maniak в теме
    «Matlab и C»
    ... матрице по строке v- значение элемента код fid fopen limits txt r for i 1 23000 temp eval fgetl fid if temp 1 size temp 2 size temp 1 1 temp 2 1 a temp 1 -1 temp 2 -1 temp 3 end end fclose fid 2 вариант вместо функции eval разбор строки и без проверки выхода за границы диапазона чтение из файла с форматом строки i j v код fid fopen limits txt r for u 1 23000 str fgetl fid len length...
  9. 09.12.2005, 05:12. valex в теме
    ... product have discrete values between 0 and 1 including limits in normal life people don t count patriotism...
  10. 05.11.2005, 07:42. valex в теме
    ... is time to make analysis of that number and to find limits for solution you get in your discussion guys i like abc-online more he is more specific about each point he makes for person with no specific interest for particular problem in science rr8 made a good points too конкретными задачами are real problems researcher have to solve for his her research my конкретными задачами i solved neutrons accelerator feasibility my lead asked me to study proposed setup for new neutrons gun feasibility he estimated my work for 1 week the problem was solved for 1 day that was not the first конкретными задачами for me i was about 7 month of work experience engineer my lead asked me to estimate possible air leakage from my setup he estimated my work for 2-3 hours that was my first independent experimental research i failed to deliver anything useful in 2 hours of work and i asked for help from experienced phd guy of my lab he helped me for 10 minutes of his time to get numbers i was asked out with precision about -15 the point abc-online does is the close work with experienced researcher is more important then school classes that is absolute true not true people get great progress so far by using existing solution for new problems like to implement existing math for new problems in physics biology and etc studying solution for given problem is important even that solution was delivered years decades back i remember fedorov general physics in my class said if you solved a problem and calculated correct number the work is not over now is time to make analysis of that number and to find limits for solution you get in your discussion guys...

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