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День памяти
  20 мая 2023 (мифи умер)

Задача про фермера и его кредит
  20 мая 2023 (Алекс)

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  1. 02.12.2011, 02:32. jiffy в теме
    «The C Programming Language.»
    ... low-order or low-order to high-order is implementation-defined the alignment of the addressable storage unit is unspecified вот несмотря на то что он implementation-defined and storage unit is unspecified есть ощущение...
  2. 19.10.2010, 02:42. ln(x) в теме
    «Линукс и мелкомягкие»
    ... with me and set pppdir to something reasonable n if defined pppdir pppdir unsafe re o pppdir etc ppp unless defined pppdir pptpdir the directory containing the pptp drop-in config files my pptpdir env pptpdir die stop screwing with me and set pptpdir to something reasonable n if defined pptpdir pptpdir unsafe re o pptpdir etc pptp d unless defined pptpdir chap secrets the full path to the the chap challenge handshake authentication protocol secrets file my chap secrets pppdir chap-secrets my pap secrets pppdir pap-secrets tunnel dir the directory containing tunnel config files my tunnel dir pppdir peers subsys dir the place rc looks to see if a servics is started before it runs the k scripts my subsys dir var lock subsys the resolv confs my resolv etc resolv conf my resolv pptp resolv pptp my resolv real resolv real clean up the path since this is run as root env path bin usr bin usr sbin delete env bash env delete env ifs delete env env sub usage print usage 0 setup stop start tunnel n print all options must be specified to run non-interactively n exit 1 first some support functions that are used everywhere yesno prompt ask the user prompt and return true for yes false for no sub yesno my prompt 0 while 1 print n prompt y n my choice stdin chomp choice return 1 if choice eq choice yy return 0 if choice nn print ni don t understand choice please try again n queryuser prompt default ask the user prompt and return the answer default if cr sub queryuser my prompt default print prompt print default if defined default print my answer stdin chomp answer answer default if answer eq and defined default return answer configuredtunnels returns a list of configured tunnels sub configuredtunnels my tunnels if -d tunnel dir foreach my f cd tunnel dir ls chomp f next if f eq default my p tunnel dir f if p safe re o print unsafe characters in tunnel name p n next p 1 push tunnels f if -f p and grep pptp p return tunnels bselect a rough equilivent of the bourne shell s select sub bselect my prompt shift my choices for my i 0 choices print i 1 choices i n my reply queryuser prompt undef return reply selecttunnel interactive prints 0 as a prompt and returns the choice sub selecttunnel my tunnel my tunnels configuredtunnels while tunnel eq tunnel bselect 0 tunnels return tunnels tunnel 1 if tunnel d return tunnel if grep tunnel tunnels return addtunnel name ip local remote adds a new tunnel with name name server ip address ip and using the chap secret determined by local name local and remote name remote sub addtunnel my name ip local remote routes if -f tunnel dir name print error peer name already exists n return open peer tunnel dir name or die can t open tunnel dir name for writing print peer pptp tunnel configuration for tunnel name server ip ip n foreach my r routes print peer route r n print peer tags for chap secret selection name local remotename remote tunnel name for ip-up local or ip-up d scripts ipparam name include the main pptp configuration file file pppdir options pptp close peer or die can t close tunnel dir name print added tunnel name n deltunnel name deletes the tunnel named name sub deltunnel my name 0 return if defined name name eq if -f tunnel dir name print error peer name does not exist n return force name to be untainted name is clean because it passed the -f test above and it s not being sent to a shell but -t doesn t know that name o name 1 unlink tunnel dir name print removed tunnel name n breaksymlink file if file is a symlink 1 break the link 2 copy the contents of the file pointed to do file sub breaksymlink my file shift if -l file my link readlink file link 1 link if file m and not link m print breaking symlink file link n unlink file die file pointed at a strangely named file n if link safe re link 1 cp link file rotate target new old rotates config files target full path of the config file new full path of the file being rotated in old expected contents of the file being rotated out example rotate etc resolv conf etc resolv conf pptp etc resolv conf real sub rotate my target new old return undef unless -f new -f old my diff diff target new chomp diff return 1 if diff eq diff diff target old chomp diff if diff ne print warning new not installed n print target does not match old n return undef ln -sf new target print installed new as target n return addchaporpap interactive prompts for parameters and adds a chap or pap secret sub addchaporpap my secret type 0 print add a new secret type secret note any backslashes must be doubled local name this is the local identifier for secret type authentication note if the server is a windows nt machine the local name should be your windows nt username including domain for example domain username my local queryuser local name undef print remote name this is the remote identifier for secret type authentication in most cases this can be left as the default it must be set if you have multiple secret type secrets with the same local name and different passwords just press enter to keep the default my remote queryuser remote name pptp print password this is the password or secret type secret for the account specified the password will not be echoed get the password without echoing stty -echo my pass queryuser password undef stty echo my secrets file if secret type eq chap secrets file chap secrets elsif secret type eq pap secrets file pap secrets else die wrong secret type open secrets file secrets file or die couldn t open secrets file print nadding secret local remote password n n print secrets file local t remote t pass t n print secrets file remote t local t pass n close secrets file or die couldn t close secrets file chmod 0600 secrets file addchaporpap addpptp interactive add a new pptp tunnel configuration sub addpptp my name ip local remote print nadd a new pptp tunnel n n my configs keys pptp servers my choice bselect which configuration would you like to use configs other my routes if choice configs 1 while 1 name queryuser tunnel name undef per man perlsec check for special characters if name w name 1 last print name contains special characters n print please use only alphanumerics and n ip queryuser server ip undef print what route s would you like to add when the tunnel comes up n print this is usually a route to your internal network behind the pptp server n print you can use substitution keywords as in etc pptp d config file n print tunnel dev is the tunnel interface n print def gw is the existing default gateway n print iplocal is the local ip address n print ipremote is the remote ip address n print the syntax to use is the same as the route 8 command n print enter a blank line to stop n while 1 my route queryuser route undef last unless defined route last if route eq if route unsafe re o print route contains unsafe characters discarded n next push routes route else name configs choice-1 ip pptp servers configs choice-1 ip routes pptp servers configs choice-1 routes print local name and remote name should match a configured chap or pap secret local name is probably your nt domain username note any backslashes must be doubled local queryuser local name undef remote queryuser remote name pptp print adding name ip local remote n addtunnel name ip local remote routes sub configureresolv if yesno use a pptp-specific resolv conf during tunnel connections if -f resolv pptp print resolv pptp exists n if yesno do you want to use the existing resolv pptp print renaming resolv pptp resolv pptp orig n rename resolv pptp resolv pptp orig or die couldn t rename resolv pptp if -f resolv pptp my configs keys dns servers my choice bselect which configuration do you want to use configs other my addresses search if choice configs 1 print what domain names do you want to search for partially n specified names n print enter all of them on one line seperated by spaces n search queryuser domain names undef print enter the ip addresses of your nameservers n print enter a blank ip address to stop n while 1 my address queryuser nameserver ip address undef last unless defined address last if address eq push addresses address else search dns servers configs choice-1 search list addresses dns servers configs choice-1 ip list open pptp resolv pptp or die couldn t open resolv pptp for writing print pptp search search n foreach my a addresses print pptp nameserver a n close pptp or die couldn t close resolv pptp if -f resolv real my diff diff resolv resolv real chomp diff if diff ne print resolv real exists n print copying it to resolv real orig n unlink resolv real orig rename resolv real resolv real orig breaksymlink resolv print copying resolv to resolv real n cp -f resolv resolv real print creating link from resolv real to resolv n ln -sf resolv real resolv else they choose not to twiddle etc resolv conf breaksymlink resolv if -f resolv pptp print resolv pptp exists n if yesno do you want to delete etc resolv conf pptp unlink resolv pptp print resolv pptp deleted n else print you have chosen not to delete resolv pptp n this existing resolv pptp may still be used n when tunnel connections are established if you n really don t want it to be used you should n rename or remove it n if -f resolv real my diff diff resolv resolv real chomp diff if diff eq print resolv is identical to resolv real n if yesno do you want to delete resolv real unlink resolv real print resolv real deleted n else print resolv and resolv real both exist n but are not the same you should decide which n one is correct and make sure that file is named n resolv n getchaporpap this returns all the chap or pap secrets with ed out the paswords sub getchaporpap my secret type 0 my secrets file if secret type eq chap secrets file chap secrets elsif secret type eq pap secrets file pap secrets else die wrong sercet type if -f secrets file my list cat secrets file foreach my secret list secret s s s s 1 n unless secret s return list else return undef managesecrets this manages secret files sub managesecrets my secret type 0 while 1 my manage task bselect list secret type secrets add a new secret type secret delete a secret type secret quit if manage task eq 1 print current secret type secrets n my list getchaporpap secret type if list print list else print none n elsif manage task eq 2 addchaporpap secret type elsif manage task eq 3 my list my secrets file if secret type eq chap secrets file chap secrets elsif secret type eq pap secrets file pap secrets else die wrong secret type list getchaporpap secret type if list print select one of the pair of lines that you want removed n print both matching lines will be deleted n my choice bselect remove which secret type secret list none choice-- if choice list print aborted deleting a secret type secret n next else stty -echo my passwd queryuser enter the password for this secret type secret undef stty echo my secrets cat secrets file open secrets file secrets file or die couldn t open secrets file for writing my local remote undef split s list choice my count 0 foreach my c secrets my c local c remote c secret undef split s c if c secret eq passwd c local eq local c remote eq remote c local eq remote c remote eq local count next else print secrets file c close secrets file or die couldn t close secrets file after writing print ndeleted count entries print perhaps you mistyped the password if count 0 print n elsif manage task eq 4 manage task eq q last else next setup this is the part that does the old pptp-setup work first the site-specific config files sub setup my name search list ip list ip configs foreach my f ls pptpdir if f safe re o print name your files something reasonable f doesn t qualify n next f 1 open config pptpdir f or next silently fail here configs config close config chomp f for my i 0 i configs i configs i s o if configs i s chomp configs i if configs i eq nameservers until i configs name search list ip list split configs i name f name dns servers name search list search list dns servers name ip list split ip list else name ip split configs i name f name pptp servers name ip ip pptp servers name routes until configs i eq n chomp configs i if configs i unsafe re o print warning the line n configs i n contains unsafe characters n next pptp servers name routes pptp servers name routes configs i ok now all the info from the config files is in pptp servers and dns servers now let s do something with it while 1 my task bselect manage chap secrets manage pap secrets list pptp tunnels add a new pptp tunnel delete a pptp tunnel configure resolv conf select a default tunnel quit if task eq 1 managesecrets chap elsif task eq 2 managesecrets pap elsif task eq 3 my tunnels configuredtunnels print current tunnels n if scalar tunnels 0 print join n tunnels print n else print none n elsif task eq 4 addpptp elsif task eq 5 my tunnel selecttunnel delete which tunnel deltunnel tunnel if tunnel ne elsif task eq 6 configureresolv elsif task eq 7 my tunnels configuredtunnels if -l tunnel dir default print the current default is readlink tunnel dir default n if -f die tunnel dir default is a regular file not a symlink n my choice bselect which tunnel do you want to be the default tunnels cancel next if choice tunnels 1 unlink tunnel dir default my scratch tunnel dir tunnels choice-1 scratch 1 if scratch safe re o symlink scratch tunnel dir default or die couldn t create defualt symlink elsif task eq 8 task eq q exit 0 start this does the old pptp-start work sub start my tunnel f filter ifs if foo my tunnels configuredtunnels die no configured tunnels n if tunnels 0 if defined argv 1 tunnel argv 1 elsif -l tunnel dir default defined argv 0 my default readlink tunnel dir default tunnel split default -1 elsif -t stdin -t stdout tunnel selecttunnel start a tunnel to which server else usage die nasty characters in tunnel n if tunnel safe re o tunnel 1 my config tunnel dir tunnel die tunnel configuration for tunnel not found n unless -f config open config config or die couldn t open config my conf config close config my ip undef grep server ip conf my server undef server 1 if ip ip -a-za-z0-9 die server address for tunnel not found n unless defined server build a regexp of the currently existing interfaces my ifconfig sbin ifconfig foreach f ifconfig next unless f a-z foo split f push filter foo 0 my if re join filter bring up the tunnel if system usr sbin pppd pty pptp server --nolaunchpppd call tunnel updetach 0 die pptp-command pppd indicated failure n future idea parse the output of the system call above for the interface name as well as check the exit status for success my timeout 2 while 1 die new interface not found n if timeout 0 timeout-- ifs sleep 1 ifconfig sbin ifconfig foreach f ifconfig next unless f a-z foo split f push ifs foo 0 if undef grep if re ifs last if defined if nbs
  3. 15.10.2010, 23:45. АКудияр в теме
    «Мифический чат. Логи»
    ... строки в кавычках она ругается что переменная not defined как такое может быть о о
  4. 15.09.2009, 13:28. zzz_ в теме
    «А нужна ли математика программисту и кто это такой вообще?»
    ... type that is the fundamental point algorithms are defined on algebraic structures выделение мое если...
  5. 04.09.2009, 12:53. Chameleon в теме
    «Auto repair table»
    ... local conf d parameters tmp eval collations need to be defined after the character sets so we will duplicate them local collations conf d parameters conf d parameters my cnf etc mysql my suffix my cnf summa of unmanaged parameters some parameters may be present multiple times unmanagedparams grab the parameters from conf d mysql definition for my default in conf d parameters do case my default in nice nice my default nice nice -n nice ls tmp dev null nice mycnf my cnf my default mycnf startup timeout startuptimeout my default startup timeout basedir basedir my default basedir datadir datadir my default datadir pid-file pidfile my default pid-file socket socket my default socket collation collations collations do escape my default list of parameters we already have prepend because my print defaults do it unmanagedparams unmanagedparams do escape my default unmanagedparams unmanagedparams my default esac done if -r my cnf then ewarn cannot access my cnf my cnf my defaults else local my print defaults which my print defaults my suffix 2 dev null if -x my print defaults then eerror my print defaults not found or not executable my defaults else my defaults my print defaults --loose-verbose --config-file my cnf mysqld server fi fi grab needed parameters from my cnf don t override the ones from conf d mysql for my default in my defaults do case my default in --basedir -z basedir basedir my default --basedir --datadir -z datadir datadir my default --datadir --pid-file -z pidfile pidfile my default --pid-file --socket -z socket socket my default --socket collation the order is inversed because we want the conf d ones overriden collations do escape my default collations esac done some parameters basedir basedir usr datadir datadir var lib mysql my suffix pidfile pidfile var run mysqld mysqld my suffix pid socket socket var run mysqld mysqld my suffix sock unmanagedparams unmanagedparams collations wdebug 3 chroot dir chroot wdebug 3 niceness nice wdebug 3 basedir basedir wdebug 3 datadir datadir wdebug 3 pidfile pidfile wdebug 3 socket socket wdebug 3 unamanged unmanagedparams extension for sleep tenth of seconds not very portable so check it before if sleep 0 01 then startuptimeout startuptimeout 10 stoptimeout stoptimeout 10 timeunit 0 1 else timeunit 1 fi push these out to the script export my suffix nice my cnf pidfile datadir basedir socket chroot export unmanagedparams startuptimeout stoptimeout timeunit wdebug 4 get slot config ok return 0 checkconfig wdebug 4 checkconfig 1 local datadir 1 pidfile 2 socket 3 if -n nocheck then rm -f pidfile socket return 0 fi if -d datadir then eerror mysql datadir is empty or invalid eerror please check your my cnf my cnf wdebug 4 checkconfig ko return 1 fi if -d datadir mysql then eerror you don t appear to have the mysql database installed yet eerror please run usr bin mysql install db to have this done wdebug 4 checkconfig ko return 1 fi if -f pidfile then kill -15 pidfile 2 dev null if -eq 0 then the process exist we have a problem eerror pidfile is still present and the process is running eerror please stop it kill pidfile maybe wdebug 4 checkconfig ko return 1 else rm -f pidfile fi fi if -s socket then ewarn strange the socket file already exist in socket ewarn it will be removed now and re-created by the mysql server ewarn but please make your checks rm -f socket fi wdebug 4 checkconfig ok return 0 start wdebug 4 start mysql glob pid file mysql glob pid file var run svc-started- svcname mysql mysqld servers are defined in etc conf d mysql local serverlist mysql...
  6. 21.06.2008, 13:44. Стукалов В.И. в теме
    «Классическая физика»
    ... separate motionless electron from moving particles is defined by electric field intensity e according to the equation 2 where scalar potential and vector potential a are created electrons moving in a conductor now it is necessary to establish as intensity e will change in the event that separate electron will move with optional velocity v2 we shall begin with the second term namely we shall write a full derivative on time from vector a with regard to movement of electron 3 if in that area where electron is moving there are no extraneous charges and currents i e 0 and j 0 then from lorentz gauge 4 which has been deduced by us from the equation of a continuity 5 we receive 6 as a result for moving electron from 3 it is had 7 thus movement of electron with a velocity v2 will not lead to change of the second term in the formula 2 it turns out with the first term a little bit more difficultly moving electron will perceive a potential field not how it was in a statics that it to define it is necessary to pass in the mobile system of coordinates connected with the electron we already know that the scalar potential enters as a component of the four-vector which is looking like and at transition to mobile system of coordinates will be transformed as time component ct in lorentz transformations 8 for scalar potential it will look so 9 where scalar product v2a in view of that other components of velocity v2 will not give the contribution to last term is used considering that for small velocity 1 from 9 is received for moving electron 10 according to the formula 2 with regard to movement electron and with use 10 it is had 11 last term in 11 we shall transform under the known formula of the vector analysis 12 where a and b any two vectors applying this formula to scalar product v2a we consider that derivatives on coordinates do not act on components of velocity v2 and as a result it turns out 13 the equation of movement of a particle in an electromagnetic field on which force operates will enter in the form of 14 we see that force f consists of two essentially various parts the first part the first and second members in the right part does not depend on velocity of a particle the second part the third member depends on this velocity force is proportional to value of velocity and perpendicular to it on character of action of electromagnetic force on its moving particle have conditionally divided into an electric part force which can impart energy to a particle and a magnetic part force which does not make work above a separate moving particle as it is always perpendicular to velocity of a particle such division of forces and fields has arisen historically even before creation of the electromagnetic theory that is to external attributes of display of forces lorentz force for the description of a magnetic field the vector is used 15 and the electric field is defined under the formula 2 now there is an opportunity...
  7. 13.04.2008, 21:39. ChuMaster в теме
    «PHP, open source project»
    ... accessing and integrating information that is not natively defined using oo technology the two most common sources...
  8. 27.12.2007, 23:25. George в теме
    ... usr local bin perl msg hello world n if argv 0 while defined arg shift argv outfilename arg open file outfilename...
  9. 14.05.2006, 15:46. Mana в теме
    «HEEELP С++ 3.1 ShakerSort»
    ... data a record key data b return a b 1 a b 0 -1 elif defined str n ключ строка длиной len str include string h в программе перед include type h определять const len str число typedef char key len str 1 1 для хранения признака конца строки 0 template class data struct record key key data data перегрузка операций и для сравнения ключей структур int operator record b return fstrcmp key b key 0 int operator record b return fstrcmp key b key 0 int operator record b return fstrcmp key b key 0 int operator record b return fstrcmp key b key 0 void operator char s запись ключа в структуру типа record void prnkey char w key cout w template class data int compare record data a record data b return fstrcmp a key b key template class data void record data operator char s int j 0 for j len str s 0 j key j s key j 0 elif defined char ptr ключ строка си include string h т к с не допускает перегрузки операций для встроенных типов создадим обертку для char в виде структуры typedef struct key char key ptr template class data struct record key key ключ data data данные перегрузка операций и для сравнения ключей структур int operator record b return fstrcmp key key ptr b key key ptr 0 int operator record b return fstrcmp key key ptr b key key ptr 0 запись ключа в структуру типа record void operator char s key key ptr s void prnkey cout key key ptr struc record template class t inline int compare record t a record t b return fstrcmp a key key ptr b key key ptr endif типа ключа функции обмена для строк если ключ строка длиной len str или указатель на char if defined str n defined char ptr обмен template class data inline void...
  10. 20.03.2006, 11:31. Youth в теме
    «Вакансия: Senior C++ Software Developer (up to 2200 USD)»
    ... английском языке generally exercises judgment within defined practices and policies completes projects following defined processes and procedures translates requirements...

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