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Новые записи

20.05Задача про фермера и его кредит
26.01Актуализация сервисов ЕГЭ по математике 2014 года
28.08Смена парадигмы
18.07Как вести себя в приличном обществе, предварительно обмочив штаны
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Лучшие записи

1.Математическое порно1563
2.Ответы ко всем задачам ЕГЭ по математике 2010 года793
3.Тесты ЕГЭ Онлайн515
4.Результаты ЕГЭ по математике368
5.Результаты ЕГЭ по русскому языку268

О чем тут?

NX VBAB Webometrics igjhs А1-08 Абитуриенты Бачинский ВКонтакте Ващенифтему Волга Диплом Дрессировка преподов Дума ЕГЭ Жизнь Забабахал Инновации История Кафедра 26 Кларк Корум Лженаука МИФИ МИФИсты Морзянка НИЯУ Нанотехнологии Наука Образование Омоймоск ПЦ Поздравляю Поиск Президент Преподы Приколы Программное обеспечение Рейтинги Русский язык Сессия Смерть Статистика Стихи Сувениринг Тест Учеба Учебные материалы ФЯУ Физтех Фотки Ядерщики матанализ


День памяти
  20 мая 2023 (мифи умер)

Задача про фермера и его кредит
  20 мая 2023 (Алекс)

Математическое порно
  22 марта 2023 (Angleton)

Российский Союз ректоров
  19 февраля 2023 (Hellen Paul )

В помощь юному радисту: Морзянка 1.0
  13 ноября 2022 (Сергей)

Знахари и шаманы в МГТУ имени Баумана
  5 ноября 2021 (монах из кельи)

Зачет по инженерной графике
  24 августа 2020 (Инженерная графика)

Пасынки Вселенной
  18 февраля 2020 (Max Brown)

Финансовая пирамида за 10 рублей
  7 февраля 2020 (Флора Миллс)

База решений задач ЕГЭ по математике
  26 декабря 2019 (Мария)

Сейчас на скибатроне
Я ищу слово,  «» 

а б в г д е ё ж з и й к л м н о п р с т у ф х ц ч ш щ ъ ы ь э ю я
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Слово «run»
впервые сказано пользователем [d3v] 03.05.2005 в 19:32,
и с тех пор употреблялось 68 раз.
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Сообщения со словом

Запрос выполнился за 0.0058 сек.
  1. 07.11.2010, 01:55. Chameleon в теме
    «Запуск нескольких фоновых процессов одним файлом»
    ... www corumtest mephist ru htdocs modules maxima sh run sh chameleon corum var www corumtest mephist ru...
  2. 06.11.2010, 01:35. Chameleon в теме
    «Запуск нескольких фоновых процессов одним файлом»
    ... путь echo 2 5 maxima fifo все отлично делаю файлик run sh код mkfifo maxima fifo nohup cat maxima fifo nohup maxima maxima fifo rez txt запускаю sh run sh maxima fifo создается но на echo 2 2 maxima...
  3. 19.10.2010, 02:42. ln(x) в теме
    «Линукс и мелкомягкие»
    ... description cleanly brings down the tunnel when changing runlevels begin init info provides pptp required-start network required-stop network default-start default-stop 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 description pptp based vpn end init info id pptp-command v 1 5 4 1 2007 07 20 14 03 50 andy exp data the regexp for the list of characters that are unsafe to put inside a system or it is built by saying everything but known safe characters anyone want to make bets on if this holds true for i18n ed systems my safe set -a-za-z0-9 s my unsafe re safe set my safe re safe set pppdir the directory containing the ppp config files my pppdir env pppdir die stop screwing with me and set pppdir to something reasonable n if defined pppdir pppdir unsafe re o pppdir etc ppp unless defined pppdir pptpdir the directory containing the pptp drop-in config files my pptpdir env pptpdir die stop screwing with me and set pptpdir to something reasonable n if defined pptpdir pptpdir unsafe re o pptpdir etc pptp d unless defined pptpdir chap secrets the full path to the the chap challenge handshake authentication protocol secrets file my chap secrets pppdir chap-secrets my pap secrets pppdir pap-secrets tunnel dir the directory containing tunnel config files my tunnel dir pppdir peers subsys dir the place rc looks to see if a servics is started before it runs the k scripts my subsys dir var lock subsys the resolv confs my resolv etc resolv conf my resolv pptp resolv pptp my resolv real resolv real clean up the path since this is run as root env path bin usr bin usr sbin delete env bash env delete env ifs delete env env sub usage print usage 0 setup stop start tunnel n print all options must be specified to run non-interactively n exit 1 first some support functions...
  4. 14.07.2010, 12:03. Lerk в теме
    «Интервью с ректором НИЯУ МИФИ на сайте Госкорпорации "Росатом"»
    ... t connect to local mysql server through socket var run mysqld mysqld sock 2 in var www corumtest mephist...
  5. 22.02.2010, 15:21. mrAndersen в теме
    «Непонятный глюк.»
    ... judging the ram fully bad if you can t get memtest to run without errors even with conservative bios settings however your ram is bad replace it or you will experience stability and corruption problems correctly functioning ram has no errors even if you run memtest for days read the manual for more details...
  6. 14.11.2009, 01:52. e2e4 в теме
    «Проблемы с куковой аутентификацией»
    ... len 1024 1024 magic quotes gpc on on magic quotes runtime off off magic quotes sybase off off mail force extra parameters no value no value max execution time 30 30 max input nesting level 64 64 max input time 60 60 memory limit 128m 128m open basedir no value no value output buffering no value no value output handler no value no value post max size 8000m 8000m precision 12 12 realpath cache size 16k 16k realpath cache ttl 120 120 register argc argv on on register globals off off register long arrays on on report memleaks on on report zend debug on on safe mode off off safe mode exec dir no value no value safe mode gid off off safe mode include dir no value no value sendmail from no value no value sendmail path usr sbin sendmail -t -i usr sbin sendmail -t -i serialize precision 100 100 short open tag on on smtp localhost localhost smtp port 25 25 sql safe mode off off suhosin log phpscript 0 0 suhosin log phpscript is safe off off suhosin log phpscript name no value no value suhosin log sapi no value no value suhosin log script no value no value suhosin log script name no value no value suhosin log syslog no value no value suhosin log syslog facility no value no value suhosin log syslog priority no value no value suhosin log use-x-forwarded-for off off track errors off off unserialize callback func no value no value upload max filesize 6000m 6000m upload tmp dir tmp tmp user dir no value no value variables order egpcs egpcs xmlrpc error number 0 0 xmlrpc errors off off y2k compliance on on zend ze1 compatibility mode off off apache2handler apache version apache 2 2 9 debian php 5 2 6-1 lenny3 with suhosin-patch apache api version 20051115 server administrator webmaster localhost hostname port hostname 0 user group www-data 33 33 max requests per child 0 keep alive on max per connection 100 timeouts connection 300 keep-alive 15 virtual server yes server root etc apache2 loaded modules core mod log config mod logio prefork http core mod so mod alias mod auth basic mod authn file mod authz default mod authz groupfile mod authz host mod authz user mod autoindex mod cgi mod deflate mod dir mod env mod mime mod negotiation mod php5 mod rewrite mod setenvif mod status directive local value master value engine 1 1 last modified 0 0 xbithack 0 0 apache environment variable value http host hostname http user agent mozilla 5 0 windows u windows nt 5 1 ru rv 1 9 1 5 gecko 20091102 firefox 3 5 5 http accept text html application xhtml xml application xml q 0 9 q 0 8 http accept language ru en-us q 0 7 en q 0 3 http accept encoding gzip deflate http accept charset windows-1251 utf-8 q 0 7 q 0 7 http keep alive 300 http connection keep-alive http cookie phpsessid e6363f1dc468bfee91f784ab1c6d3b46 path usr local bin usr bin bin server signature address apache 2 2 9 debian php 5 2 6-1 lenny3 with suhosin-patch server at hostname port 80 address server software apache 2 2 9 debian php 5 2 6-1 lenny3 with suhosin-patch server name hostname ru server addr ip server port 80 remote addr ip document root var www sd server admin webmaster localhost script filename var www sd info php remote port 60669 gateway interface cgi 1 1 server protocol http 1 1 request method get query string no value request uri info php script name info php http headers information http request headers http request get info php http 1 1 host hostname user-agent mozilla 5 0 windows u windows nt 5 1 ru rv 1 9 1 5 gecko 20091102 firefox 3 5 5 accept text html application xhtml xml application xml q 0 9 q 0 8 accept-language ru en-us q 0 7 en q 0 3 accept-encoding gzip deflate accept-charset windows-1251 utf-8 q 0 7 q 0 7 keep-alive 300 connection keep-alive cookie phpsessid e6363f1dc468bfee91f784ab1c6d3b46 http response headers x-powered-by php 5 2 6-1 lenny3 vary accept-encoding content-encoding gzip bcmath bcmath support enabled bz2 bzip2 support enabled stream wrapper support compress bz2 stream filter support bzip2 decompress bzip2 compress bzip2 version 1 0 5 10-dec-2007 calendar calendar support enabled ctype ctype functions enabled date date time support enabled olson timezone database version 0 system timezone database internal default timezone system localtime directive local value master value date default latitude 31 7667 31 7667 date default longitude 35 2333 35 2333 date sunrise zenith 90 583333 90 583333 date sunset zenith 90 583333 90 583333 date timezone no value no value dba dba support enabled supported handlers cdb cdb make db4 inifile flatfile dom dom xml enabled dom xml api version 20031129 libxml version 2 6 32 html support enabled xpath support enabled xpointer support enabled schema support enabled relaxng support enabled exif exif support enabled exif version 1 4 id exif c v 1 173 2 5 2 25 2008 03 12 17 33 14 iliaa exp supported exif version 0220 supported filetypes jpeg tiff filter input validation and filtering enabled revision revision 1 52 2 42 directive local value master value filter default unsafe raw unsafe raw filter default flags no value no value ftp ftp support enabled gd gd support enabled gd version 2 0 or higher freetype support enabled freetype linkage with freetype freetype version 2 3 7 t1lib support enabled gif read support enabled gif create support enabled jpg support enabled png support enabled wbmp support enabled gettext gettext support enabled hash hash support enabled hashing engines md2 md4 md5 sha1 sha256 sha384 sha512 ripemd128 ripemd160 ripemd256 ripemd320 whirlpool tiger128 3 tiger160 3 tiger192 3 tiger128 4 tiger160 4 tiger192 4 snefru gost adler32 crc32 crc32b haval128 3 haval160 3 haval192 3 haval224 3 haval256 3 haval128 4 haval160 4 haval192 4 haval224 4 haval256 4 haval128 5 haval160 5 haval192 5 haval224 5 haval256 5 iconv iconv support enabled iconv implementation glibc iconv library version 2 7 directive local value master value iconv input encoding iso-8859-1 iso-8859-1 iconv internal encoding iso-8859-1 iso-8859-1 iconv output encoding iso-8859-1 iso-8859-1 json json support enabled json version 1 2 1 libxml libxml support active libxml version 2 6 32 libxml streams enabled mbstring multibyte support enabled multibyte string engine libmbfl multibyte japanese regex support enabled multibyte regex oniguruma version 4 4 4 multibyte regex oniguruma backtrack check on mbstring extension makes use of streamable kanji code filter and converter which is distributed under the gnu lesser general public license version 2 1 directive local value master value mbstring detect order no value no value mbstring encoding translation off off mbstring func overload 0 0 mbstring http input pass pass mbstring http output pass pass mbstring internal encoding no value no value mbstring language neutral neutral mbstring strict detection off off mbstring substitute character no value no value mcrypt mcrypt support enabled version 2 5 7 api no 20021217 supported ciphers cast-128 gost rijndael-128 twofish arcfour cast-256 loki97 rijndael-192 saferplus wake blowfish-compat des rijndael-256 serpent xtea blowfish enigma rc2 tripledes supported modes cbc cfb ctr ecb ncfb nofb ofb stream directive local value master value mcrypt algorithms dir no value no value mcrypt modes dir no value no value mime magic mime magic support invalid magic file disabled directive local value master value mime magic debug off off mime magic magicfile usr share file magic mime usr share file magic mime mysql mysql support enabled active persistent links 0 active links 0 client api version 5 0 51a mysql module type external mysql socket var run mysqld mysqld sock mysql include -i usr include mysql mysql libs -l usr lib -lmysqlclient r directive local value master value mysql allow persistent on on mysql connect timeout 60 60 mysql default host no value no value mysql default password no value no value mysql default port no value no value mysql default socket no value no value mysql default user no value no value mysql max links 99999999 99999999 mysql max persistent unlimited unlimited mysql trace mode off off mysqli mysqli support enabled client api library version 5 0 51a client api header version 5 0 51a mysqli socket var run mysqld mysqld sock directive local value master value mysqli default host no value no value mysqli default port 3306 3306 mysqli default pw no value no value mysqli default socket no value no value mysqli default user no value no value mysqli max links unlimited unlimited mysqli reconnect off off openssl openssl support enabled openssl version openssl 0 9 8g 19 oct 2007 pcre pcre perl compatible regular expressions support enabled pcre library version 7 6 2008-01-28 directive local value master value pcre backtrack limit 100000 100000 pcre recursion limit 100000 100000 pdo pdo support enabled pdo drivers mysql pdo mysql pdo driver for mysql client library version 5 0 51a posix revision revision 1 70 2 3 2 18 reflection reflection enabled version id php reflection c v 1 164 2 33 2 50 2008 03 13 15 56 21 iliaa exp session session support enabled registered save handlers files user registered serializer handlers php php binary wddx directive local value master value session auto start off off session bug compat 42 on on session bug compat warn on on session cache expire 180 180 session cache limiter nocache nocache session cookie domain no value no value session cookie httponly off off session cookie lifetime 0 0 session cookie path session cookie secure off off session entropy file no value no value session entropy length 0 0 session gc divisor 100 100 session gc maxlifetime 1440 1440 session gc probability 0 0 session hash bits per character 4 4 session hash function 0 0 session name phpsessid phpsessid session referer check no value no value session save handler files files session save path var lib php5 var lib php5 session serialize handler php php session use cookies on on session use only cookies off off session use trans sid 0 0 shmop shmop support enabled simplexml simplexml support enabled revision revision 1 151 2 22 2 39 schema support enabled soap soap client enabled soap server enabled directive local value master value soap wsdl cache 1 1 soap wsdl cache dir tmp tmp soap wsdl cache enabled 1 1 soap wsdl cache limit 5 5 soap wsdl cache ttl 86400 86400 sockets sockets support enabled spl spl support enabled interfaces countable outeriterator recursiveiterator seekableiterator splobserver splsubject classes appenditerator arrayiterator arrayobject badfunctioncallexception badmethodcallexception cachingiterator directoryiterator domainexception emptyiterator filteriterator infiniteiterator invalidargumentexception iteratoriterator lengthexception limititerator logicexception norewinditerator outofboundsexception outofrangeexception overflowexception parentiterator rangeexception recursivearrayiterator recursivecachingiterator recursivedirectoryiterator recursivefilteriterator recursiveiteratoriterator recursiveregexiterator regexiterator runtimeexception simplexmliterator splfileinfo splfileobject splobjectstorage spltempfileobject underflowexception unexpectedvalueexception standard regex library bundled library enabled dynamic library support enabled path to sendmail usr sbin sendmail -t -i directive local value master value assert active 1 1 assert bail 0 0 assert callback no value no value assert quiet eval 0 0 assert warning 1 1 auto detect line endings 0 0 default socket timeout 60 60 safe mode allowed env vars php php safe mode protected env vars ld library path ld library path url rewriter tags a href area href frame src input src form fieldset a href area href frame src input src form fieldset user agent no value no value sysvmsg sysvmsg support enabled revision revision 1 20 2 3 2 7 tokenizer tokenizer support enabled wddx wddx support enabled wddx session serializer enabled xml xml support active xml namespace support active libxml2 version 2 6 32 xmlreader xmlreader enabled xmlwriter xmlwriter enabled zip zip enabled extension version id php zip c v 1 1 2 43 2008 01 18 00 51 38 pajoye exp zip version 1 8 11 libzip version 0 8 0-compatible zlib zlib support enabled stream wrapper support compress zlib stream filter support zlib inflate zlib deflate compiled version 1 2 1 1 linked version 1 2 3 3 directive local value master value zlib output compression off off zlib output compression level -1 -1 zlib output handler no value no value additional modules module name sysvsem sysvshm environment variable value apache pid file var run apache2 pid apache run user www-data path usr local bin usr bin bin pwd home adm apache run group www-data lang c shlvl 1 apache arguments -e debug usr sbin apache2 php variables variable value request phpsessid e6363f1dc468bfee91f784ab1c6d3b46 cookie phpsessid e6363f1dc468bfee91f784ab1c6d3b46 server http host hostname server http user agent mozilla 5 0 windows u windows nt 5 1 ru rv 1 9 1 5 gecko 20091102 firefox 3 5 5 server http accept text html application xhtml xml application xml q 0 9 q 0 8 server http accept language ru en-us q 0 7 en q 0 3 server http accept encoding gzip deflate server http accept charset windows-1251 utf-8 q 0 7 q 0 7 server http keep alive 300 server http connection keep-alive server http cookie phpsessid e6363f1dc468bfee91f784ab1c6d3b46 server path usr local bin usr bin bin server server signature address apache 2 2 9 debian php 5 2 6-1 lenny3 with suhosin-patch server at hostname port 80 address server server software apache 2 2 9 debian php 5 2 6-1 lenny3 with suhosin-patch server server name hostname server server addr ip server server port 80 server remote addr ip server document root var www sd server server admin webmaster localhost server script filename var www safedriving info php server remote port 60669 server gateway interface cgi 1 1 server server protocol http 1 1 server request method get server query string no value server request uri info php server script name info php server php self info php server request time 1258148450 server argv array server argc 0 env apache pid file var run apache2 pid env apache run user www-data env path usr local bin usr bin bin env pwd home adm env apache run group www-data env lang c env shlvl 1 env apache...
  7. 27.10.2009, 01:40. Lerk в теме
    «Оффтопик от "Кто каким браузером пользуется?"»
    asterix20 http v8 googlecode com svn data benchmarks v5 run html прогон сего теста на ие фф в т ч с кучей плагинов...
  8. 04.09.2009, 12:53. Chameleon в теме
    «Auto repair table»
    ... что-то могли уже подправить но по мелочи код sbin runscript copyright 1999-2006 gentoo foundation distributed under the terms of the gnu general public license v2 header var cvsroot gentoo-x86 dev-db mysql-init-scripts files mysql rc6 v 1 2 2007 03 04 15 47 03 vivo exp external binaries used which sed tac int in list char elem char list function in list local elem 1 none local list 2 list list elem return 1 return 0 function wdebug if debug -ge 1 then shift echo dbg fi depend use dns net localmount netmount nfsmount do escape ihatethisreallyverymuch echo 1 sed -e s -e s -e s echo 1 int get slot config srv slot 0 srv num get slot config wdebug 4 get slot config local srv srv slot srv num srv slot 1 0 srv num 2 my suffix srv slot srv array 0 srv slot 1 srv num srv srv slot srv num local tmp eval mysql slot srv slot srv num srv num local conf d parameters tmp eval if srv slot 0 then my suffix try some other default for the default server -z conf d parameters conf d parameters mysql slot fi -z conf d parameters conf d parameters basedir datadir pidfile socket chroot nice startuptimeout 5 stoptimeout 120 wdebug 3 srv srv wdebug 3 srv slot srv slot wdebug 3 srv num srv num wdebug 3 tmp eval tmp eval wdebug 3 conf d parameters conf d parameters wdebug 3 my suffix my suffix local tmp eval mysql slot srv slot srv num srv num local conf d parameters tmp eval collations need to be defined after the character sets so we will duplicate them local collations conf d parameters conf d parameters my cnf etc mysql my suffix my cnf summa of unmanaged parameters some parameters may be present multiple times unmanagedparams grab the parameters from conf d mysql definition for my default in conf d parameters do case my default in nice nice my default nice nice -n nice ls tmp dev null nice mycnf my cnf my default mycnf startup timeout startuptimeout my default startup timeout basedir basedir my default basedir datadir datadir my default datadir pid-file pidfile my default pid-file socket socket my default socket collation collations collations do escape my default list of parameters we already have prepend because my print defaults do it unmanagedparams unmanagedparams do escape my default unmanagedparams unmanagedparams my default esac done if -r my cnf then ewarn cannot access my cnf my cnf my defaults else local my print defaults which my print defaults my suffix 2 dev null if -x my print defaults then eerror my print defaults not found or not executable my defaults else my defaults my print defaults --loose-verbose --config-file my cnf mysqld server fi fi grab needed parameters from my cnf don t override the ones from conf d mysql for my default in my defaults do case my default in --basedir -z basedir basedir my default --basedir --datadir -z datadir datadir my default --datadir --pid-file -z pidfile pidfile my default --pid-file --socket -z socket socket my default --socket collation the order is inversed because we want the conf d ones overriden collations do escape my default collations esac done some parameters basedir basedir usr datadir datadir var lib mysql my suffix pidfile pidfile var run mysqld mysqld my suffix pid socket socket var run mysqld mysqld my suffix sock unmanagedparams unmanagedparams collations wdebug 3 chroot dir chroot wdebug 3 niceness nice wdebug 3 basedir basedir wdebug 3 datadir datadir wdebug 3 pidfile pidfile wdebug 3 socket socket wdebug 3 unamanged unmanagedparams extension for sleep tenth of seconds not very portable so check it before if sleep 0 01 then startuptimeout startuptimeout 10 stoptimeout stoptimeout 10 timeunit 0 1 else timeunit 1 fi push these out to the script export my suffix nice my cnf pidfile datadir basedir socket chroot export unmanagedparams startuptimeout stoptimeout timeunit wdebug 4 get slot config ok return 0 checkconfig wdebug 4 checkconfig 1 local datadir 1 pidfile 2 socket 3 if -n nocheck then rm -f pidfile socket return 0 fi if -d datadir then eerror mysql datadir is empty or invalid eerror please check your my cnf my cnf wdebug 4 checkconfig ko return 1 fi if -d datadir mysql then eerror you don t appear to have the mysql database installed yet eerror please run usr bin mysql install db to have this done wdebug 4 checkconfig ko return 1 fi if -f pidfile then kill -15 pidfile 2 dev null if -eq 0 then the process exist we have a problem eerror pidfile is still present and the process is running eerror please stop it kill pidfile maybe wdebug 4 checkconfig ko return 1 else rm -f pidfile fi fi if -s socket then ewarn strange the socket file already exist in socket ewarn it will be removed now and re-created by the mysql server ewarn but please make your checks rm -f socket fi wdebug 4 checkconfig ok return 0 start wdebug 4 start mysql glob pid file mysql glob pid file var run svc-started- svcname mysql mysqld servers are defined in etc conf d mysql local serverlist mysql slot provide default for empty conf d mysql if -z serverlist then serverlist 0 export mysql slot 0 fi local retstatus timeout local globretstatus 1 local srv slot srv num server must not share same location for these local pidfilelist datadirlist socketlist local ssd thing 1 local mysqld thing tmpnice ebegin starting myservice try to start each server for srv in serverlist do srv slot srv mysql slot if srv slot srv slot then srv num else srv num srv slot fi srv slot srv slot retstatus 0 get slot config srv slot srv num retstatus 1 checks if checkconfig datadir pidfile socket then retstatus 2 continue fi if in list pidfile pidfilelist then eerror sorry won t start with same pid-file pidfile retstatus 3 continue fi if in list datadir datadirlist then eerror sorry won t start with same datadir datadir retstatus 4 continue fi if in list socket socketlist then eerror sorry won t start with same socket socket retstatus 5 continue fi einfo starting myservice my cnf mysqld thing my cnf --defaults-file my cnf mysqld thing mysqld thing unmanagedparams mysqld thing mysqld thing --basedir basedir mysqld thing mysqld thing --datadir datadir mysqld thing mysqld thing --pid-file pidfile mysqld thing mysqld thing --socket socket mysqld thing mysqld thing --disable-binlog-do-db wdebug 2 starting mysqld with mysqld thing if ssd thing -eq 1 then tmpnice nice --nicelevel nice start-stop-daemon --quiet debug --verbose --start --background tmpnice --pidfile pidfile --exec basedir sbin mysqld my suffix mysqld thing sleep timeunit retstatus else tmpnice nice nice -n nice tmpnice basedir sbin mysqld my suffix mysqld thing retstatus 0 fi only the first run is done by start-stop-daemon ssd thing wait for socket creation wdebug 1 while -s socket startuptimeout -lt 1 retstatus -ne 0 do startuptimeout startuptimeout 1 debug -ge 1 echo -n startuptimeout sleep timeunit done wdebug 1 if -s socket then eerror mysql my suffix not started retstatus retstatus 1 else globretstatus 0 pidfilelist pidfilelist pidfile datadirlist datadirlist datadir socketlist socketlist socket echo srv slot srv num srv num pidfile mysql glob pid file fi done successfull if at least one mysqld started wdebug 4 start eend globretstatus stop get slot config dev null mysql glob pid file mysql glob pid file var run svc-started- svcname mysql mysqld local runwhat pidfile shutdown elem local pid cnt timeout stoptimeout 120 local retstatus 0 local shutdown list mysql glob pid file ebegin stopping myservice wdebug 5 mysql glob pid file mysql glob pid file wdebug 5 shutdown list shutdown list for shutdown elem in shutdown list do runwhat shutdown elem pidfile shutdown elem timeout stoptimeout 120 pid pidfile wdebug 3 runwhat runwhat wdebug 3 pidfile pidfile wdebug 3 timeout timeout wdebug 3 pid pid einfo stopping mysqld runwhat start-stop-daemon --quiet debug --verbose --stop...
  9. 22.06.2009, 22:58. turbopres в теме
    «Вопрос по единицам измерения.»
    ... clause 6 8 7 3 m r zh j u 2 23 106 93 1 04 106 199 n mm run ведь в формулу подставляются величины в обоих случаях с одинаковыми единицами измерения а в итоге имеем разные единицы измерения может слово run имеет какое-то значение да и почему в simple method...
  10. 24.01.2009, 00:22. ChuMaster в теме
    «Любимые hip-hop песни»
    http ru youtube com watch v -c2b8xwjnfe run dmc конечно черная музыка без унылого агрессивного...

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