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День памяти
  20 мая 2023 (мифи умер)

Задача про фермера и его кредит
  20 мая 2023 (Алекс)

Математическое порно
  22 марта 2023 (Angleton)

Российский Союз ректоров
  19 февраля 2023 (Hellen Paul )

В помощь юному радисту: Морзянка 1.0
  13 ноября 2022 (Сергей)

Знахари и шаманы в МГТУ имени Баумана
  5 ноября 2021 (монах из кельи)

Зачет по инженерной графике
  24 августа 2020 (Инженерная графика)

Пасынки Вселенной
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База решений задач ЕГЭ по математике
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Слово «nameserver»
впервые сказано пользователем .kkursor 30.06.2009 в 13:53,
и с тех пор употреблялось 5 раз.
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Сообщения со словом

Запрос выполнился за 0.0035 сек.
  1. 19.10.2010, 02:42. ln(x) в теме
    «Линукс и мелкомягкие»
    ... domain names undef print enter the ip addresses of your nameservers n print enter a blank ip address to stop n while 1 my address queryuser nameserver ip address undef last unless defined address last if address eq push addresses address else search dns servers configs choice-1 search list addresses dns servers configs choice-1 ip list open pptp resolv pptp or die couldn t open resolv pptp for writing print pptp search search n foreach my a addresses print pptp nameserver a n close pptp or die couldn t close resolv pptp if -f resolv real my diff diff resolv resolv real chomp diff if diff ne print resolv real exists n print copying it to resolv real orig n unlink resolv real orig rename resolv real resolv real orig breaksymlink resolv print copying resolv to resolv real n cp -f resolv resolv real print creating link from resolv real to resolv n ln -sf resolv real resolv else they choose not to twiddle etc resolv conf breaksymlink resolv if -f resolv pptp print resolv pptp exists n if yesno do you want to delete etc resolv conf pptp unlink resolv pptp print resolv pptp deleted n else print you have chosen not to delete resolv pptp n this existing resolv pptp may still be used n when tunnel connections are established if you n really don t want it to be used you should n rename or remove it n if -f resolv real my diff diff resolv resolv real chomp diff if diff eq print resolv is identical to resolv real n if yesno do you want to delete resolv real unlink resolv real print resolv real deleted n else print resolv and resolv real both exist n but are not the same you should decide which n one is correct and make sure that file is named n resolv n getchaporpap this returns all the chap or pap secrets with ed out the paswords sub getchaporpap my secret type 0 my secrets file if secret type eq chap secrets file chap secrets elsif secret type eq pap secrets file pap secrets else die wrong sercet type if -f secrets file my list cat secrets file foreach my secret list secret s s s s 1 n unless secret s return list else return undef managesecrets this manages secret files sub managesecrets my secret type 0 while 1 my manage task bselect list secret type secrets add a new secret type secret delete a secret type secret quit if manage task eq 1 print current secret type secrets n my list getchaporpap secret type if list print list else print none n elsif manage task eq 2 addchaporpap secret type elsif manage task eq 3 my list my secrets file if secret type eq chap secrets file chap secrets elsif secret type eq pap secrets file pap secrets else die wrong secret type list getchaporpap secret type if list print select one of the pair of lines that you want removed n print both matching lines will be deleted n my choice bselect remove which secret type secret list none choice-- if choice list print aborted deleting a secret type secret n next else stty -echo my passwd queryuser enter the password for this secret type secret undef stty echo my secrets cat secrets file open secrets file secrets file or die couldn t open secrets file for writing my local remote undef split s list choice my count 0 foreach my c secrets my c local c remote c secret undef split s c if c secret eq passwd c local eq local c remote eq remote c local eq remote c remote eq local count next else print secrets file c close secrets file or die couldn t close secrets file after writing print ndeleted count entries print perhaps you mistyped the password if count 0 print n elsif manage task eq 4 manage task eq q last else next setup this is the part that does the old pptp-setup work first the site-specific config files sub setup my name search list ip list ip configs foreach my f ls pptpdir if f safe re o print name your files something reasonable f doesn t qualify n next f 1 open config pptpdir f or next silently fail here configs config close config chomp f for my i 0 i configs i configs i s o if configs i s chomp configs i if configs i eq nameservers until i configs name search list ip list...
  2. 31.08.2009, 11:56. .kkursor в теме
    «Отсылка писем с форума»
    ... answers can be found from 227 177 195 in-addr arpa nameserver ns5 adb ru 227 177 195 in-addr arpa nameserver ns adb ru ns adb ru internet address 195...
  3. 30.06.2009, 13:53. .kkursor в теме
    «Заблокировался Вконтакте»
    ... answers can be found from 191 169 95 in-addr arpa nameserver ns keyweb de 191 169 95 in-addr arpa nameserver ns2 keyweb de ns keyweb de internet address...

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