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День памяти
  20 мая 2023 (мифи умер)

Задача про фермера и его кредит
  20 мая 2023 (Алекс)

Математическое порно
  22 марта 2023 (Angleton)

Российский Союз ректоров
  19 февраля 2023 (Hellen Paul )

В помощь юному радисту: Морзянка 1.0
  13 ноября 2022 (Сергей)

Знахари и шаманы в МГТУ имени Баумана
  5 ноября 2021 (монах из кельи)

Зачет по инженерной графике
  24 августа 2020 (Инженерная графика)

Пасынки Вселенной
  18 февраля 2020 (Max Brown)

Финансовая пирамида за 10 рублей
  7 февраля 2020 (Флора Миллс)

База решений задач ЕГЭ по математике
  26 декабря 2019 (Мария)

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Слово «population»
впервые сказано пользователем valex 30.05.2005 в 04:37,
и с тех пор употреблялось 20 раз.
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  1. 13.06.2008, 01:31. McSim в теме
    «Теория эволюции работает»
    ... phenotype was contingent on the particular history of that population мутации не были случайными а зависили от...
  2. 29.05.2006, 12:49. SharapoFF в теме
    «Основной залог безопасного секса»
    ... вич-инфекцией в докладе оон народонаселение мира 2005 world population report 2005 отмечается что основной группой...
  3. 10.03.2006, 19:16. valex в теме
    ... tight control over cities and other areas with high population density only farm areas are out from government control or government pointed its presence but far away to control situation over there i talk about overpopulated chinese cities and suburbs areas that are millions of people who has to live and to work very close to each other and they have family links in between if someone comes up with a great idea many people around could be affected very easy keep in mind not all chinese people are poor some have money good education in china still is in large but many people make good money in china to survive in human life everyone has to come up with something special and useful for society in areas with high people density or in countries with advanced communication transportation systems to come up with new idea is difficult people will compare your idea against others to figure out which one is the best they don t need to spend too much time to compare against tens hundreds of thousands of people around and against millions peoples ideas from remote places but easily accessible by internet that is the nova days challenge to be competitive in human society high absolute number of people has change the world in old 30-40-50 soviet russia used military strategy for the whole country development the government concentrated design research arts in many places around the country like moscow leningrad kiev many ural towns and etc the country progressed by efforts of few millions people over mentioned areas in other countries that time situation was not too much different chicago engineers didn t care about chinese engineers now tens hundreds millions of people can easy exchange their ideas and products to compare against of each other the country with the easiest ideas products exchange ways will win new global competition america and europe have transportation and communication advantages but china and japan have advanced communication networks and very tight human links they can communicate even faster like close mouth talk that is my point people are creative by nature and highly populated areas are the most creative areas in nova days conclusion china and japan have much better winning conditions for compare with other countries around the globe china is coming out from farm business and even now it is advanced country certainly it is not too advanced per person but china is not focused on small relative number of farm population imho
  4. 09.03.2006, 11:02. valex в теме
    ... imagine a human life in not developed country with small population little bit advanced painter in that country easy became the best national artist a person who improved something became the best national inventor now for contrast look on advanced country with high population density easy communications to become the...
  5. 19.09.2005, 17:12. afftar в теме
    ... не прокомментировать the good thing russia has huge population и это после разговора про китайцев и индусов...
  6. 19.09.2005, 07:46. valex в теме
    «чем вы планируете заниматься после инста?»
    ... moscow i found too many people i don t say the 100 of population in moscow overestimate of themselves for compare with chinese and indian guys i see a lot of my coworkers from india from china from germany from france and certainly from the us who works hard for self-improvement who puts many heavy hours to become a professional or to become the best professional in the field i personally was proud to work for 1 year with young indian engineer who dedicated the whole his life that time for digital signal processing math he worked hard to be selected by philips company as a lead of the philips dsp division just in 3 years after his graduation from indian institute of technology i see a lot of talented students at work place who i m sure shortly after graduation get leading technology positions at microsoft at intel at moto freescale and with others the world premier technology companies how russia could even dream to compete with the west russia has a system when some students are not really going to work at the field they spent years to study for other problem poor russian economics doesn t work to improve quality of national education the good thing russia has huge population and there are many talents between russians...
  7. 11.06.2005, 17:58. valex в теме
    «Ваше отношение к Сталину.»
    ... about alternatives but he used to work with given population with given historical cultural background...
  8. 30.05.2005, 04:37. valex в теме
    «Ваше отношение к Сталину.»
    ... economic power after wwii without terror against its own population is completely different from russians way...

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