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Слово «patriot»
впервые сказано пользователем sysdba 09.06.2005 в 10:54,
и с тех пор употреблялось 18 раз.
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Сообщения со словом

Запрос выполнился за 0.0072 сек.
  1. 11.12.2005, 04:27. valex в теме
    ... asked me first and i tried to answer may be i m not a patriot may be i don t know my friends know better...
  2. 10.12.2005, 18:12. S.N. в теме
    «CM-CLUB. Chat.»
    http patriot uaz ru game html гамаем
  3. 09.12.2005, 05:12. valex в теме
    do you believe in non honest patriots why what is wrong with that to me when i came with my girlfriend to clean a small creek near saltykovka are very bright memories about my life in moscow we clean a creek till lunch and i moved wet woods in safe place to setup a lunch fire together we cooked our hot meal and walked around that was really nice and romantic do you really believe in тысячелетний рейх with human face i have an equation like multiplication of quality of a person relations with others people by factor of quality of a person relations with his her place like nature or town etc patriotism human relations quality place relations quality multiplier factor and product have discrete values between 0 and 1 including limits in normal life people don t count patriotism levels and if a person has patriotism less then 1 people don t use words like a half patriot the one is not a patriot if he she has less then 1 in patriotism level human relations quality is quality of human relations between a person and people local to him or her and far away as well something like your readiness to help to your friends and strangers if they need for help even if they are in other country and far away from you to get 1 here you need to be reliable friend do your best at work care about your family and if you see someone in trouble be ready to drop your personal business to provide help and comfort for injured a person who moved into remote tundra when he she is alone who doesn t care about other humanity but does his her best to stay away from people and don t harm of anyone in the world i count his her human relations quality as a person who is a danger for others has zero place relations quality i count as 0 if a person behaves as a barbarian on streets and roads who damages his her own town who doesn t respect nature and human labor to develop beautiful things like our villages homes and towns who can drop trash outside of trash collector if person has neutral behavior like no damage no trash but no improvements too has for place relation quality the one has a person who does improvements for the environment as you see government and relations to government is not mention in my equation german antifascists are patriots because they fight an enemy of humanity nazi...
  4. 08.12.2005, 07:15. valex в теме
    first of all patriots are not equal for instance nationalists around the world call themselves patriots fascists are patriots as they think too more close example people who pretends to do something like work but really don t executing that often don t see anything wrong with that they call themselves as an average citizen like all other citizens they don t think it is unpatriotic at all imho any honest person is a patriot honest with everyone honest without exceptions and without excuses like bad time and wrong people force me to do or to say that or i had have to do or to say that in such circumstances when i hear that i think do you really need to buy people trust by lie if so they are wrong people for you if no you are not a good guy when people say real russian patriot enjoys russian mentality likes russian and etc that remind me drunking talks i often heard at russian parties if you respect me you have to drink one more shot with me that is just air waves patriotism is what you prove by your daily life not by false obeys imho that is not for words that is for life you don t need to like moscow more then uzbekistan to be a russian patriot be honest with your new friends and keep your old friendships do your job well and be yourself do it always no exceptions and you will be a great russian patriot imho if you spent majority of your life in...
  5. 05.09.2005, 17:16. SLY в теме
    «Машина за 15 косарей грина.»
    а я патриот patriot -а за 15 штук гринов можно купить отечественный но джип знакомый на днях взял сейчас обкатывает через месяц можно узнать мнение из первых рук ссылочку на сайт http www patriot uaz ru
  6. 09.06.2005, 10:54. sysdba в теме
    ... коментарить не буду только выделю интересные моменты uaz patriot новый внедорожник uaz patriot продажи которого начнутся в июле этого года будет выпускаться в двух комплектациях classic и comfort как сообщает пресс-центр автозавода в более дорогой версии comfort установлены электроприводы стекол и зеркал электролюк велюровый салон тонированные стекла противотуманные фары и легкосплавные колеса рекомендованная розничная цена на uaz patriot в комплектации comfort 420 тыс рублей уточняю...

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