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День памяти
  20 мая 2023 (мифи умер)

Задача про фермера и его кредит
  20 мая 2023 (Алекс)

Математическое порно
  22 марта 2023 (Angleton)

Российский Союз ректоров
  19 февраля 2023 (Hellen Paul )

В помощь юному радисту: Морзянка 1.0
  13 ноября 2022 (Сергей)

Знахари и шаманы в МГТУ имени Баумана
  5 ноября 2021 (монах из кельи)

Зачет по инженерной графике
  24 августа 2020 (Инженерная графика)

Пасынки Вселенной
  18 февраля 2020 (Max Brown)

Финансовая пирамида за 10 рублей
  7 февраля 2020 (Флора Миллс)

База решений задач ЕГЭ по математике
  26 декабря 2019 (Мария)

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Слово «division»
впервые сказано пользователем _4G_ 08.04.2005 в 12:20,
и с тех пор употреблялось 21 раз.
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Сообщения со словом

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  1. 08.04.2013, 10:50. ssBaldy в теме
    «Музыка для спорта»
    ... стили вполне подойдет рок а-ля motorhead или chrome division а вот что-то тяжелое лично мне приятнее поднимать...
  2. 24.12.2010, 17:37. eugns в теме
    «На ноль делим?»
    warning division by zero in var www corumtest mephist ru htdocs...
  3. 05.11.2010, 21:10. bulzz в теме
    «Кто что слушает»
    ... antennasia yann tiersen mad season air traffic mono joy division the devil sold his soul youth group aaron...
  4. 04.10.2009, 20:14. VictorMA в теме
    «Сезон 2009-2010»
    решение простой задачи l funny game division 2 only из 4-его гран-при санкт-петербурга...
  5. 27.09.2009, 22:28. VictorMA в теме
    «Сезон 2009-2010»
    решение простой задачи к magic temple division 2 only из 3-его гран-при южного кавказа сами...
  6. 21.06.2008, 13:44. Стукалов В.И. в теме
    «Классическая физика»
    ... always perpendicular to velocity of a particle such division of forces and fields has arisen historically even before creation of the electromagnetic theory that is to external attributes of display of forces lorentz force for the description of a magnetic field the vector is used 15 and the electric field is defined under the formula 2 now there is an opportunity to write the equation of movement of a particle in electromagnetic field 14 in the following form 16 expression costing on the right carries the name of lorentz force its the first term force from which the electric field operates on electron does not depend on velocity of a particle and is focused in a direction of field e the second term the force caused by action of a magnetic field on electron is proportional to velocity of a particle and is directed perpendicularly by this velocity and to a direction of magnetic field b we shall note that by nature e represents polar and b axial vectors it affects their behaviour at various transformations of coordinates for example at mirror reflection of system of coordinates when vector e is directed normally to a plane of a mirror it changes the sign for return vector b at similar transformation of the sign does not change i e it behaves as a vector of angular velocity of rotation if in electromagnetic field e 0 and b 0 speak about an electric field if e 0 and b 0 the field refers to magnetic from the equation 14 we see that this division is cleanly conditional as far as vector potential...
  7. 19.09.2005, 07:46. valex в теме
    «чем вы планируете заниматься после инста?»
    ... selected by philips company as a lead of the philips dsp division just in 3 years after his graduation from...
  8. 26.08.2005, 17:14. valex в теме
    ... reformed at once their order of battle being 2 tank divisions each of 2 tank regiments with 200 tanks apiece a motor rifle regiment and an artillery regiment and one mechanized i e motor rifle division
  9. 12.05.2005, 09:05. valex в теме
    «День Победы.»
    ... political police offices known as the sd security division approximately at same time idea of concentration camps was sound himmler s police assumed as security guards for the concentration camps together with the sd himmler created the department of the aryan race protection that department did sponsorship for archeology excavations tibet expedition etc to the time when hitler became an official country leader himmler used to have strong police structure similar as the state police bodyguard structure was so good and it is enrolled so many people himmler wanted to compete with the state army generals for public power he was clever enough do not do that in public he learned from the sa example you know for this reason his armored forces get name waffen-ss and supposed to be used as an army reserve and sometime to serve as concentration camps guards on rotation base only at that time waffenss at the beginning adolf hitler standard das grosse deutschland standard das reich and totenkopf and leibstandard were not super army as the world learned at the wwii the 1st battle experience of waffenss was in 1938 at france they did show of themselves as brave but completely out of military training soldiers wermacht was much better equipped and better trained that time the division adolf hitler the only ss men participated at france invasion destroyed catholic churches and did shot of few the uk s pows the 1st international crime committed by the ss men they did not show of themselves as battlefield soldiers himmler learned the lesson and shortly his armored forces became the best soldiers ever you know the price for his men army training himmler sold slave human labor for german industry for cheap and his organization bought any military supply by discounted prices and get priority to buy military supply even before wermacht waffenss became better equipped and better budgeted then wermacht but that was war time and really bad time to compete with wermacht generals for political power waffenss became army reserve till 1944 to 1940 waffenss got serious loses not bigger loses then wermacht did but that was significant for the ss organization the waffenss started to recruit foreigners the viking is the division recruited in belgium dutch etc southeast europe did follow never ever were national conflicts inside the ss at least between west european soldiers from the 1st training people learned everyone is an equal for the ss i saw the ss veteran from holland who was a commander of multinational units including german officers one of the most important requirement to people at the ss was a comradeship i specifically did a search for national conflicts in the ss i do not know about even single case the comradeship was one of the strongest feature of the elite german army as the waffenss used to be inside waffenss were georgia battalion armenia battalion azerbaijan battalion ukranian and even uzbek battalions all baltic republics gifted to the ss by legion russia was represented by vlasov s army i did not see any internal ss documents about the ss units from former ussr citizens normally commanders of all units were german officers but with time and with heavy loses everything was mixed around to make the distinguish between international ss troops into official names were included for one more word the standards with major aryan men received a word freiwilligen those units that contained a high percentage of non-germanic personnel carried the designation waffen- within their names that is probably why you decide waffenss is for non-germanic divisions only when you use official name like some -waffen-grenadier-division-ss means that division is mainly from non-germans you may use waffenss...
  10. 08.04.2005, 12:20. _4G_ в теме
    «CD/DVD Burning + Audit»
    2 sysdba я нашел целую сдк rocket division software starburn sdk она платная какая нужна...

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