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20.05Задача про фермера и его кредит
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1.Математическое порно1563
2.Ответы ко всем задачам ЕГЭ по математике 2010 года793
3.Тесты ЕГЭ Онлайн515
4.Результаты ЕГЭ по математике368
5.Результаты ЕГЭ по русскому языку268

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День памяти
  20 мая 2023 (мифи умер)

Задача про фермера и его кредит
  20 мая 2023 (Алекс)

Математическое порно
  22 марта 2023 (Angleton)

Российский Союз ректоров
  19 февраля 2023 (Hellen Paul )

В помощь юному радисту: Морзянка 1.0
  13 ноября 2022 (Сергей)

Знахари и шаманы в МГТУ имени Баумана
  5 ноября 2021 (монах из кельи)

Зачет по инженерной графике
  24 августа 2020 (Инженерная графика)

Пасынки Вселенной
  18 февраля 2020 (Max Brown)

Финансовая пирамида за 10 рублей
  7 февраля 2020 (Флора Миллс)

База решений задач ЕГЭ по математике
  26 декабря 2019 (Мария)

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Слово «victory»
впервые сказано пользователем valex 08.05.2005 в 04:08,
и с тех пор употреблялось 8 раз.
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  1. 10.06.2010, 12:26. MurzET в теме
    «Говнопоколение. Отцы и дети»
    ... купленные за десять гривен на рынке южный стоптанные бутсы victory даже в футбольную школу меня устроила мать...
  2. 18.01.2009, 23:50. Пыщ!Пыщ! в теме
    «События в Газе»
    http lenta ru news 2009 01 18 victory как вы думаете закончилась или закончится ли...
  3. 09.07.2007, 17:56. Juffin в теме
    «We lose at last championship on hockey , regularity or error ?»
    ... among all teams and the final result had to be our victory but unfortunately then about legionaries the...
  4. 22.08.2006, 19:30. Limonade Joe в теме
    «Общество и его нравственные ценности.»
    ... брестскую крепость не читали http vip lenta ru topic victory brest htm для немцев это была первая неожиданность...
  5. 10.04.2006, 22:16. ~.:WiZaRD:.~ в теме
    «Forthcoming public holidays in May, 2006»
    ... sunday day off may 8 monday day off may 9 tuesday victory day day off may 10 wednesday working day как...
  6. 08.05.2005, 04:08. valex в теме
    «День Победы.»
    strange feeling about the victory day my parents grandparents who participated in wwii past away russian veterans were veterans for me when i was 5 years old and now when i am become older german veterans are active guys even now i was surprised to know german government has few members who was privates in 12th army of general wenk do you remember from history books how general wenk did not subordinate hitler s and keitel s orders but holds his positions on for 3 extra days against red army to give a chance for the rest on 9th army and civilians to join in and successfully move in the us custody grandparents of my friends from germany and austria used to be solders of waffen ss panzier troops and grenadiers my former head manager served as the waffen ss officer at that time why russian veterans are outside of modern life did someone used to work to remove russian veterans from modern business or life in russia is so primitive that people can not sustain in their 80s as active members of people community i think the last guess is about right last year i saw my former boss former waffen ss officer he is really active guy even now we discuss american finland stock markets he gifted me few ideas what to do with our former company shares why russian veterans are outside of modern business i want to see russian veterans as nova days millionaires i want to see a success story from life of russian veterans not so far may be someone knows now i work for german company again one of the reason guys hire me because i m a russian they trust in russian educational system more then in the american asian ones from the beginning my manager suggested i m a hardworking guy because i m a russian sometime at lunch time we discuss wwii events they are upset of hitler s way to govern germany that time but they proud of their grandparents achievements difficult feelings i remember even now what i saw at my 9 years old when my parents took me for a day in salaspiels concentration camp memorial after that trip i did look for nazi documents about planning future for people from east europe i was shocked to know all baltic see people were scheduled to die the reason by blood type they are not germans and not slavic but some ones in between russians were planned for 50 50 to die awful i tried to find former red army solders who become handicapped at wwii just few of them what happened with millions of wounded people in russia after wwii i have no idea even now my company does not celebrate the victory day it is regular work day for me specifically for this monday i have to cut my application code from 12kb of size to about 200 bytes of size i have to work for that even for this weekend to make that happened have a good victory day

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