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20.05Задача про фермера и его кредит
26.01Актуализация сервисов ЕГЭ по математике 2014 года
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2.Ответы ко всем задачам ЕГЭ по математике 2010 года793
3.Тесты ЕГЭ Онлайн515
4.Результаты ЕГЭ по математике368
5.Результаты ЕГЭ по русскому языку268

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День памяти
  20 мая 2023 (мифи умер)

Задача про фермера и его кредит
  20 мая 2023 (Алекс)

Математическое порно
  22 марта 2023 (Angleton)

Российский Союз ректоров
  19 февраля 2023 (Hellen Paul )

В помощь юному радисту: Морзянка 1.0
  13 ноября 2022 (Сергей)

Знахари и шаманы в МГТУ имени Баумана
  5 ноября 2021 (монах из кельи)

Зачет по инженерной графике
  24 августа 2020 (Инженерная графика)

Пасынки Вселенной
  18 февраля 2020 (Max Brown)

Финансовая пирамида за 10 рублей
  7 февраля 2020 (Флора Миллс)

База решений задач ЕГЭ по математике
  26 декабря 2019 (Мария)

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Слово «universities»
впервые сказано пользователем valex 03.07.2005 в 02:31,
и с тех пор употреблялось 36 раз.
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  1. 03.10.2012, 18:19. Настейсия в теме
    ... age of 16 the proportion of young people entering universities has risen from one in eight in 1980 to almost about one in three at present english universities usually consist of colleges the academic year is divided into three terms the course lasts three or four years depending on the subject area arts science law engineering medicine social sciences the structure of courses does not differ from russian courses in size of groups methods of teaching and close relationships with teachers methods of assessment differ from university to university but all british students have to undergo lengthy written examinations conditions of student life in britain differ from those in russia the english assume that anyone from age eighteen is an independent being capable of making up his or her own mind and capable of looking after himself or herself as a rule english students try to live away from home like russian students english students receive a grant from the state for the expenses of daily living the level of the grant depends on the income of the student and of the student s parents besides students can take out a special student loan which they do not have to repay until they are earning loans are not means-tested in the opinion of the english there is one more obvious difference between british and russian students however traditionally there has always been an enormous amount of amateur and voluntary work in britain it takes place in universities as well playing in the university band...
  2. 04.08.2012, 00:45. ikarus в теме
    «Поконсультируйте заграничного человека»
    ... worse than they are in russia the rankings of turkish universities are much higher i don t know the reason...
  3. 03.08.2012, 23:13. Lexxus в теме
    «Поконсультируйте заграничного человека»
    ... significant part can easily be accepted to abroad universities research institutes and so on but you...
  4. 03.08.2012, 17:44. login в теме
    «Поконсультируйте заграничного человека»
    ... think your statement that nobody applies to abroad universities is incorrect at least if taken literally...
  5. 03.08.2012, 17:17. ikarus в теме
    «Поконсультируйте заграничного человека»
    so why nobody applies to abroad universities if there are real chances i had a first impression about mephi that it is a place where russia s high level nulear physics research is carried out and that graduates are qualified physicist who can easily be acepted to abroad universities but it turns out all different but thinking...
  6. 01.08.2012, 22:36. nasty-09 в теме
    «Поконсультируйте заграничного человека»
    ... supervisor of studies has some links with foreign universities mephi really has such supervisors but not in each department so i can describe you principle first 2-3 years you will study without supervisor and last 2-3 years you will be under his control so you can discuss about posibilities i guess mephi is not well-known all over the world but with some foreign universities and companies we have links it seems in...
  7. 01.08.2012, 12:07. cube eyed в теме
    «Поконсультируйте заграничного человека»
    ... industry and science truth is that for these people nrnu universities are second jobs which they get to prepare...
  8. 01.08.2012, 00:12. ikarus в теме
    «Поконсультируйте заграничного человека»
    ... why i mean here in turkey most guys going to best universities apply for usa and some of my friends have got into places like mit stanford yale but in turkey educaiton and research quality is pretty below world standarts even in best universities i suppose that at mephi both of those...
  9. 31.07.2012, 23:21. cube eyed в теме
    «Поконсультируйте заграничного человека»
    ... provides chances to be accepted for postgrad in european universities though i personally had never heard of...
  10. 31.07.2012, 22:36. ikarus в теме
    «Поконсультируйте заграничного человека»
    ... my postgrad education in one of americas prominent universities so i wonder do students in mephi have...

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